
For more information on any of these groups, please contact us at

Art Interest Group:  The major purposes of the Art Interest Group are a) learning “how to see” and b) enjoying how others “see”.  Visual expressions can be painting, sculpture and/or architecture.  The visual arts are presented by Dr. Bea Card Kettlewood, artist and branch member, who believes that there is beauty to be seen everywhere – even when passing New Jersey oil tanks along the New Jersey Turnpike!  All period or style observations are general history related.  Each year a topic is selected from art group members’ suggestions and interests.

Bridge Group:  An informal bridge group meets Monday evenings, year-round, for a relaxing evening of bridge at members’ homes.  All levels of bridge players are welcome.  We meet at 7:15 p.m., play starts at 7:30 p.m. followed by tea, coffee, and dessert at about 9:00 p.m.

Cultural Interests:  The Cultural Interests group meets throughout the year to enjoy the wonderful entertainment that is available at various theaters and museums.  Each event has a chairperson in charge of taking reservations, collecting money, ordering tickets, and coordinating transportation.

Games Night:  The “Thank Goodness It’s — Friday Night Games” (TGI-FNG) meets one Friday each month to play a variety of games of all types – board games, card games, word games, etc.  Members are encouraged to bring their own games to share with the group.  The main purpose of the group is to have fun, laugh and enjoy each other’s company.

Gourmet Group:  The Gourmet Cooking Group consists of members and friends who meet to cook food with an international flavor, explore local restaurants, and share good company in a friendly gathering.   We encourage all members with an interest in cooking and food to attend our gatherings.  All events are open to members and guests.

Literature Group:  The Literature Group’s meetings are usually held on the fourth Thursday of each month September thru June.  The books are chosen at the June Planning Dinner for the next year.  Members take turns as discussion leaders and hostesses for the meetings.  The discussions are informal and can include short biographies of the author, reviews, questions, pictures, music or other aides that may make the discussion more interesting.

Lunch Bunch:  The Lunch Bunch usually meets one Friday a month at a variety of local restaurants.  One Saturday lunch is scheduled to accommodate members’ schedules.  Lunch Bunch is casual and an excellent way to get to know other branch members better or to introduce a guest to the group.


Interbranch Committee:  While the Northern Interbranch Council is no longer active, the Greater Wayne Area Branch supports other branches’ programs and participates in state-wide events.

Public Policy:  AAUW has a comprehensive legislation program which is approved biennially by the nationwide membership.  The AAUW has been a forerunner in bringing important educational issues to the public, including research studies on gender equity, pay equity and sexual harassment.

Social Concerns Committee:   The Social Concerns Committee (SCC for short) was formed to help women and children in need.  The committee collects donations of school supplies at the branch’s summer social and gifts for children at our holiday luncheon in December.  SCC also periodically collects gently-used items of clothing for women being trained to re-enter the work force and for baby supplies.

For more information on any of these groups, please contact us at